Friday, September 4, 2015

SO much change!

Holy cannoli! I can't even believe how long it's been since I've posted on here! 
You never really think about how much is changing, and then one day it's 2 years later and you have this idea to start a blog. Oh wait, I already did. Well, I've finally decided to try and connect with my creativity a little more (thank you art class).  Before I jump in to changing and posting everything I figured I should do a little recap from the last 2 years because SO much has happened, and I want you guys to get to know me - if you want. 

READER BEWARE [I'm totally kidding]:

2013: I was living with my parents, because the year before I had lived in Ohio and went to cosmetology school #beautyschooldropout (yes, I moved for a boy - yes, it ended). Fortunately I met this really amazing group of friends (I had forgotten how to make friends, but I guess it worked!) and honestly, they changed my life around looking back. Plus, one of them thought I was cute, and ended up asking me out in June!

2014: Essentially lived at my boyfriend's house (which was also a frat house..) while we were dating, but technically I still lived with my parents until I moved out to a cute little apartment, which was coincidentally essentially the same layout as my last apartment in Ohio. Despite finding a random roommate on Craigslist I went with my gut feeling. Which turned out to be the best decision ever. I enrolled back in school, which started right after moving in and decided to major in Advertising, and thankfully they had just made an art minor - which was perfect #arteducationdropout . Honestly, I loved it! My roommate turned out to be the best roommate and friend I could ask for. Her boyfriend was almost always there and he's pretty awesome too :) It was also perfect because I still stayed with my boyfriend most of the time (much closer to campus). We ended up renting a house together after that lease ended. But perhaps the biggest event that happened this year: I joined a sorority! Honestly, I didn't peg myself as a sorority girl, but they stand for some really great things (like scholarship, academics, sisterhood, philanthropy etc.) and to my surprise I love it! It really forces me to get out - which is good because I have terrible social anxiety with large groups of people. But the best is the friendships, and character building. They make you feel good about yourself!

2015: My boyfriend and I finally got an apartment together, and it's soo nice living with him! It's finally the start of senior year and here I am. 18 credit fall semester, 16 credit spring semester - plus all those sorority events! I started out the semester with a sinus infection, so I'm trying not to start those bad habits of napping between classes and focus them with more creative activities - so here I am! Honestly in those 2 years since I've started this, I'm a totally different person. I can honestly say I love who and where I am, and that's a great feeling. I'm quirky, and polite, and super sweet. If you all have any questions, feedback, comments - anything feel free to contact me :)

Here's my big and I during Big Little Reveal!
I love her to pieces! 

This was us during our fall picnic!

This is me now - not even a week later from the last picture.
Honestly, chopping your hair off feels like you're a whole new person.
Besides short hair suits me so much better, I think anyway.

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